The prose generator is found at
Here is a sample of random prose created with this tool.
Subject: Automatic Prose
The tree whose flesh could struggle newly functions about
my bent murder like a worst land. The wall opened someone;
functioning widely rippled during certain prospects who
don't dance, but the bay of Eden cannot keep every letter
out of my clean comfort. Computing (the bench) oiled fear
across the egg. The rain's pioneer -- the symbol toward discovery --
is the leg. The agent waited. Why had double variable turns
beyond the mobile feeling focussed? Though you had circled,
associating meant to travel. Church was the lip whose cavern
had stood, but the emergency -- an exactly hastened demand
whose savage promptly crawled -- had gathered. Briefly left
to ability, triple confusions terrors -- caution -- are dust.
Created with the Random Prose Generator at
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